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​Protecting the health, safety, and wellbeing of Illinoisans is Governor Pritzker's top priority. The administration continues to work closely with local health departments, county officials and federal partners to put systems in place to respond to the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic. The Coronavirus website will provide the latest news releases related to coronavirus, video archives of press conferences and advice from leading experts to keep you and your family safe.

The following resources assist residents, businesses, organizations, schools and local governments in coordinating their efforts and procedures with the State of Illinois.

Guidance Affirming Non-Discrimination in Administration of the COVID-19 Vaccine

The Pritzker Administration has released guidance to affirm and supplement the State of Illinois’ April 10, 2020 Guidance Relating to Non-Discrimination in Medical Treatment for COVID-19. Federal and State civil rights laws, including the Illinois Human Rights Act, prohibit discrimination in the delivery of healthcare and support of the rendering of ethical, non-discriminatory decisions. These principles have equal and ever-important application in the context of the COVID-19 vaccine. 

View the full guidelines    Arabic    Polish    Chinese    Spanish    Hindi    Tagalog


Coronavirus Disaster Proclamations


JB Pritzker, Governor of the State of Illinois, in the interest of aiding the people of Illinois and the local governments responsible for ensuring public health and safety issues a Gubernatorial Disaster Proclamation in response to the ongoing Coronavirus (COVID-19) situation.

This proclamation will assist Illinois agencies in coordinating State and Federal resources, including the Strategic National Stockpile of medicines and protective equipment, to support local governments in preparation for any action that may be necessary related to the potential impact of COVID-19 in the State of Illinois.